Stevia Extract Stevioside Natural Sweetener

Stevia rebaudiana is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Compositae family and the Stevia genus,native to the alpine grasslands of Paraguay and Brazil in South America.Since 1977,Beijing,Hebei,Shaanxi,Jiangsu,Anhui,Fujian,Hunan,Yunnan and other places in China have been introduced and cultivated.This species prefers to grow in warm and humid environments and is sensitive to light.Leaf contains 6-12% Stevioside,and the high-quality product is white powder.It is a natural sweetener with low calorie and high sweetness,and is one of the raw materials in the food and pharmaceutical industry.

Stevia Extract Stevioside Natural Sweetener

The main component in the Stevia extract is stevioside,which not only have high sweetness and low calorie content,but also have certain pharmacological effects.Stevia is mainly used to treat diabetes,control blood sugar,lower blood pressure,anti-tumor,anti diarrhea,improve immunity,and promote metabolism.It has a good effect on controlling obesity,regulating stomach acid,and recovering nervous fatigue.It also has a significant effect on heart disease,children’s dental caries,and the most important thing is that it can eliminate the side effects of sucrose.

The Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Health Organization clearly stated in its report at its 69th session in June 2008 that normal individuals with a daily intake of Stevioside below 4 mg/kg body weight have no side effects on the human body.Steviosides are widely used in the fields of food and medicine in South America,Southeast Asia,and the Far East.The Ministry of Health of China approved Stevioside as a natural sweetener with unlimited use in 1985,and also approved stevioside as a sweetener excipient for pharmaceutical use in 1990.

Explanation:The potential efficacy and applications mentioned in this article are all from publicly available literature.

Post time: Aug-10-2023