Application of ecdysterone in aquaculture

Ecdysterone is a bioactive compound widely used in aquaculture.It can promote the growth of aquaculture animals,improve the efficiency of aquaculture and improve the quality of aquatic products.This article will introduce the application of ecdysterone in aquaculture from the aspects of its source,application and advantages.

Application of ecdysterone in aquaculture

First,the source of molting hormone

Ecdysterone is a naturally occurring steroid that belongs to the phytosteroid group,usually found in herbs(aquatic plants),insects(silkworms),and some aquatic animals(shrimp,crabs,etc.).Dewgrass is one of the medicinal plants with the most ecdyone in nature.

Two,the application of ecdysterone

1.Promote shell shedding

2.Boost metabolism

3.Prevent skin diseases

4.Promote development

Three,the advantages and precautions of ecdysterone


Ecdysterone has a variety of bioactive functions,which can promote the growth,development and reproduction of aquaculture animals.At the same time,it can also prevent skin diseases and enhance the immunity of animals,improve breeding efficiency and yield.Compared with other feed additives,ecdysterone has the advantages of high efficiency,safety and no residue,which is in line with the development trend of modern aquaculture.


When using ecdysterone,you need to pay attention to the following points:First,you should choose the right source and good quality ecdysterone products;Secondly,it should be used correctly according to the product description and use method;Third,should pay attention to the dose and use time,to avoid excessive use;Fourth,it should be used reasonably with other feed additives;Finally,the relevant laws and regulations and the drug use regulations of aquaculture farms should be followed to ensure the quality and safety of aquatic products.


Ecdysterone is an important bioactive compound,which is widely used in aquaculture.It can promote the growth,development and reproduction of aquaculture animals,improve breeding efficiency and yield,prevent skin diseases and enhance animal immunity.When using ecdysterone,you need to pay attention to choosing the right source and good quality products,and use them correctly according to the product instructions and use methods.At the same time,attention should be paid to the dosage and time of use,to avoid excessive use,and to use it reasonably with other feed additives.Only in this way can we give full play to the advantages of ecdysterone and improve the economic and social benefits of aquaculture.

Note:The potential benefits and applications presented in this article are derived from the published literature.

Post time: Sep-07-2023