How does ecdysterone improve the benefit of aquaculture?

Ecdysterone is a kind of feed additive,which can promote the growth of aquaculture animals,improve the efficiency of aquaculture and improve the quality of aquatic products.How does ecdysterone improve the benefit of aquaculture?Let’s take a look at the following.

How does ecdysterone improve the benefit of aquaculture?05

Ecdysterone mainly improves the benefits of aquaculture through the following aspects:

1.Promote molting:Molting hormone can promote shrimp and crabs to shed their shells in time,remove the obstacles of molting,and remove harmful parasites,thus improving the efficiency of aquaculture products.

2,promote metabolism:ecdysterone can improve the metabolic level of aquaculture animals,promote the synthesis of protein in the body,thereby enhancing its ability to adapt to the environment,improve the speed of weight gain,reduce the food coefficient.

3,prevention of skin diseases:ecdysterone can also prevent animal skin diseases,promote the health of the skin,thereby improving the immunity of animals,reduce the chance of animal disease.

4,promote reproductive development:ecdysterone can promote the sexual maturity of male and female animals,improve reproductive efficiency,increase animal reproduction,improve animal production.

The reason why ecdysterone can improve the efficiency of aquaculture is that it can promote the growth and development of aquaculture animals through a variety of ways,increase production and breeding efficiency,reduce the chance of disease,and thus increase the efficiency of aquaculture.It should be noted that the use of ecdysterone should follow the relevant laws and regulations and the provisions of the farm to ensure the quality and safety of aquatic products.

Note:The potential benefits and applications presented in this article are derived from the published literature.

Post time: Sep-05-2023