Melatonin:Helps adjust the body clock and improve sleep quality

Melatonin,this seemingly mysterious word,is actually a naturally occurring hormone in our bodies.Secreted by the pineal gland of the brain,its chemical name is n-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine,also known as pineal hormone,melatonin.With its strong neuroendocrine immune regulation activity and scavenging free radical antioxidant ability,it has become an important health food raw material to improve sleep and enhance health.

Melatonin Helps adjust the body clock and improve sleep quality

1.Natural clock regulators

The secretion of melatonin has an obvious circadian rhythm,which is suppressed during the day and active at night.Therefore,melatonin can help us adjust the biological clock and make our sleep more regular,especially in modern life,due to work or life pressure caused by irregular work and rest,melatonin can play a good role in regulating.

2.The secret weapon to improve sleep

By inhibiting the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis,melatonin reduces the contents of gonadotropin releasing hormone,gonadotropin,luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone,and can directly act on the gonads to reduce the contents of androgen,estrogen and progesterone.This regulation mechanism can effectively improve the quality of sleep,and has a significant effect on the treatment of insomnia,dreaminess and other symptoms.

3.The powerful power of antioxidant

Melatonin has powerful free radical scavenging antioxidant capabilities,which can protect our bodies from oxidative stress.In daily life,ultraviolet light,polluted air,etc.can cause our bodies to produce oxidative stress responses,resulting in cell damage and increased risk of disease.By supplementing melatonin,you can effectively improve the body’s antioxidant capacity and prevent a variety of diseases.

4.The new path of antiviral

The latest research shows that melatonin has strong neuroendocrine immunomodulatory activity and may become a new method and approach for antiviral therapy.In some experiments,melatonin can effectively inhibit the replication and spread of the virus,providing a new idea for possible antiviral treatment in the future.

5.Safe and effective choice

Melatonin is a natural bioactive substance that has no side effects on the human body.In the market,you can choose health foods containing melatonin and supplement them daily in appropriate amounts to improve the quality of your sleep and enhance your health.

6.Suitable for all kinds of people

Whether it’s insomnia caused by work stress or a decline in sleep quality due to aging,melatonin can provide effective help.At the same time,for people who often travel for work,travel or other irregular lives,melatonin can also help you adjust the biological clock,so that you can maintain a good quality of sleep anywhere.

Conclusion:As a health food raw material to improve sleep and enhance health,melatonin has broad market prospects and application value.By supplementing the right amount of melatonin,it can help us adjust our body clock,improve sleep quality,boost immunity,and even fight viruses.In the future,with further research,we may find out more about the magical effects of melatonin.

Note:The potential benefits and applications presented in this article are derived from the published literature.

Post time: Nov-09-2023