The Application of Melatonin in Health Products

Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland of the brain,also known as melanin.Its secretion is influenced by light,and melatonin secretion is most vigorous in the human body at night.Melatonin is a natural substance that promotes sleep,which can regulate the body’s internal biological clock and help the body produce good sleep effects.At the same time,melatonin can also regulate the level of growth hormone in the body,which helps alleviate problems such as depression and anxiety.Below,let’s take a look at the application of melatonin in health products.

The Application of Melatonin in Health Products

The Application of Melatonin in Health Products

Due to its various good effects,melatonin has become increasingly widely used in health products in recent years.

1.Promote sleep

The most common application of melatonin in health products is to promote sleep.Melatonin is a nutritional and health product that is favored by many people with sleep deprivation due to its ability to regulate the body’s internal biological clock and help the body achieve good sleep outcomes.Some studies have shown that melatonin can reduce sleep time,increase sleep time,and enhance sleep quality,making it easier for people to enter a deep sleep state during sleep,achieving the effect of physical and mental relaxation.

2.Enhance resistance

Melatonin also has the effect of enhancing the human immune system.It can regulate the gut microbiota,regulate the immune system by adjusting the gut microbiota,and improve the body’s immune system.Therefore,some health products have also added melatonin to enhance the body’s resistance.

3.Relieve stress

Melatonin can regulate endocrine substances in the human body,reduce stress response in the brain,and thus achieve the effect of relieving stress.Some health products have added melatonin to help people better alleviate physical and psychological stress.

4.Improve elderly care issues

With the increasingly serious problem of aging population,the application of melatonin in health products is also receiving increasing attention.Melatonin can help elderly people improve sleep quality,alleviate some depressive symptoms,and also help regulate the balance of metabolism within the body to prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.

Explanation:The potential efficacy and applications mentioned in this article are all from publicly available literature.

Post time: Apr-21-2023