The role and application of melatonin

Melatonin is a hormone secreted by mammalian and human pineal gland,which has a wide range of biological functions such as regulating biological clock,improving sleep quality,anti-oxidative stress and so on.


The role of melatonin  

As a bioactive substance,melatonin plays an important physiological function in human body.Its main role includes the following aspects:

1,adjust the biological clock:melatonin can adjust the biological clock,so that people’s circadian rhythm and environmental light adapt,thereby helping to adjust the body’s biological clock.

2,improve sleep quality:melatonin can promote the human body into a deep sleep state,reduce the number and time of awakening during sleep,so as to improve sleep quality.

3,anti-oxidative stress:melatonin has a powerful antioxidant function,can remove free radicals in the body,thereby reducing the damage of oxidative stress on the body.

4,inhibit the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonad axis:melatonin can inhibit the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonad axis,affecting the synthesis and secretion of sex hormones.

Melatonin application field

As a natural bioactive substance,melatonin is widely used in the following areas:

1.Health care products:In the field of health care products,melatonin is widely used to improve sleep,regulate the biological clock,antioxidant and other aspects.A variety of health products containing melatonin such as melatonin softgel,melatonin tablets and other products are favored by consumers.

2,cosmetics:In the field of cosmetics,melatonin is widely used in skin care products and makeup,with its antioxidant and sleep improvement effects to achieve beauty.

3.Drug field:In the drug field,melatonin is used as a drug to treat insomnia,jet lag adjustment,depression and other related diseases.

4,other areas:In addition to the above areas,melatonin is also used to improve jet lag,treat depression and other related diseases,and in some animal feed as a growth promoter.

Note:The potential benefits and applications presented in this article are derived from the published literature.

Post time: Oct-07-2023