What are the effects of stevioside?

Stevioside is a natural sweetener extracted from the leaves and stems of the Compositae herb Stevia.More and more studies have shown that stevioside is not only characterized by high sweetness and low caloric energy,but also has a variety of health benefits.The following are the main roles of stevioside:


1.Prevention of diabetes:Stevioside cannot be decomposed and digested by enzymes in the human digestive tract.The ingested stevioside enters the colon through the stomach and small intestine,and is fermented and utilized by intestinal microorganisms to generate short URL fatty acids.The calorific value of stevioside is indirectly generated by short URL fatty acids,which is about 6.3kj/g.The indigestibility of stevioside makes it not cause an increase in blood sugar concentration after ingestion,let alone an increase in blood insulin concentration.Therefore,stevioside is suitable for diabetic patients to eat and can be used as a substitute for sugar to reduce the risk of diabetes.

2.Regulate blood lipids:Stevioside can reduce cholesterol in the blood,and can achieve the effect of reducing triglycerides,thereby reducing the synthesis of liver cholesterol,so as to achieve the effect of regulating blood lipids.

3.Prevent blood sugar from rising:Steviosides cannot be absorbed and digested by the human body,and can also lead to intestinal microbial fermentation,which usually does not lead to increased blood sugar or increased insulin,so diabetics are especially suitable for eating.

4.Lower blood pressure:After use,it can achieve the effect of anti-blood pressure and can effectively improve various symptoms caused by high blood pressure,but it can only achieve the effect of auxiliary treatment and cannot completely replace antihypertensive drugs.

5.Sweetness substitution:Steviosides are many times more sweet than sucrose,so sucrose can be replaced in smaller doses,thereby reducing calorie intake,suitable for people who lose weight and control weight.

6.Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory:Stevioside has a certain antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect,which can prevent problems such as oral inflammation and dental caries.

7.Anti-tumor:Studies have found that stevioside has a certain anti-tumor effect,can inhibit the growth and reproduction of tumor cells,and has a certain anti-cancer and anti-cancer effect.

To sum up,stevioside is a natural,safe and healthy sweetener with a variety of biological activities and health benefits.It can be used as an adjunct treatment for chronic diseases such as diabetes,hypertension,and hyperlipidemia,and can also be used as a sweet substitute in the daily diet,bringing people a good taste experience while also improving physical health.

Note:The potential efficacy and applications described in this article are from the published literature.

Post time: Aug-29-2023