What effect does ecdysterone have on shrimp and crab culture?

What effect does ecdysterone have on shrimp and crab culture?Ecdysterone plays a key role in shrimp and crab culture.It can promote smooth peeling of shrimp and crab,improve the synchronization of peeling,accelerate the growth of shrimp and crab,and improve the grade of commodity specifications.In addition,ecdysterone helps eliminate harmful parasites from shrimp and crab shells and improves disease resistance.

What effect does ecdysterone have on shrimp and crab culture?

First,ecdysterone can promote the shell shedding of shrimp and crabs.The addition of molting hormone in the feed can make the shrimp and crab shed their shells in time,and accelerate the molting process,improve the survival rate and synchronization of the molting,so that the purpose of rapid growth can be achieved.

Secondly,ecdysterone can also improve the commodity specifications of shrimp and crabs.By using ecdysterone,it can promote the growth of shrimp and crabs,making them grow faster and larger,significantly improving the grade of commodity specifications.

Third,ecdysterone helps eliminate harmful parasites from shrimp and crab shells.During the breeding process,shrimp and crabs are easily infected with some parasites,which can seriously affect the growth and health of shrimp and crabs.Ecdysterone can promote metabolism and protein synthesis in shrimp and crabs,improve anti-stress ability,thereby helping to eliminate these parasites and improve the disease resistance of shrimp and crabs.

Finally,ecdysterone has a high thermal stability.In the pelletizing process of compound feed processing,the addition of ecdysterone can ensure that the active ingredients will not change and lose,making the feed more stable and reliable.

In short,the addition of molting hormone in shrimp and crab culture can effectively promote the growth and health of shrimp and crab,improve the survival rate of aquaculture and commodity specifications,so it is widely used in shrimp and crab culture.

Note:The potential benefits and applications presented in this article are derived from the published literature.

Post time: Sep-21-2023